Leather shoes price at discount

Wholesale sales of leather shoes of world-famous brands in Iran with high quality and stylish has become possible. Many people are looking for foreign branded shoes because these shoes are of high quality and this makes them more stylish. However, due to the economic conditions in Iran and the high exchange rate in recent years, the import of Leather shoes price with the brand of Marian is no longer profitable. Therefore, the production of domestic quality shoes due to this issue became more prosperous and led to further development of the shoe industry in Iran.

Leather shoes price at discount

What are the 3 types of leather in shoes?

What are the 3 types of leather in shoes? It is cheaper than natural leather in the market. It is easier to maintain than natural leather. It does not smell like natural leather. As you know, natural leather has a much higher price than synthetic leather, but it means first-class natural leather with quality. Given today’s economic conditions, people prefer to buy cheaper goods, and therefore the production of artificial shoes has flourished. A synthetic shoe does not require natural leather shoes casual care such as waxing and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Also, some people are sensitive to the smell of leather or do not like it and therefore are more inclined to leather goods.

Unfortunately, many old shoe salespeople do not know much about good synthetic leather, just as they do not. Of course, this is because not all shoe sellers are necessarily manufacturers to have enough information in this regard. Many synthetic leather bags and shoes are produced in Iran that has different prices because the type of synthetic leather is different.

A good synthetic leather shoe is a shoe that looks exactly like leather and is not recognizable. It is necessary to have enough thickness and also the amount of plastic used in it has a small percentage. Another characteristic of good synthetic leather is that it has high flexibility just like natural leather and the effects of corrosion do not appear quickly.

buy Leather shoes at cheap price

buy Leather shoes at cheap price Major sales of black leather shoes in Iran are mostly done in Tehran because usually, the capital’s products are more up-to-date and stylish than other cities. These quality manufactured shoes are bought and sold by many good boutiques and retailers in big cities. Due to the fact that many of these shopkeepers do not consider the price of shoes for them and only the quality and name of the shoe brand is important.

Therefore, it has caused competition in the capital’s shoe market products, which has created a special boom in this field. Because this type of quality leather casual shoes has a better profit than low-quality shoes and various brands for manufacturers and retailers. As a result, the major sales of branded leather shoes in Iran are expanding and making significant progress.


  1. Hello, good morning. I have already bought your leather shoes from products that are satisfactory and of excellent quality. I suggest you buy them.

  2. Hello, your service, dear manufacturer, because of the production of these very beautiful leather shoes, leather shoes are very popular in Iran because they are very durable and have a special beauty.

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