Leather shoes exporters in Asia

Leather has had a special place in human life for many years and it has been used in the production of garments, containers for liquids and dry items, bracing, tents, saddles, bags, shoes and many other leather products and accessories. First of all, I want you to imagine you’re going to buy a leather shoe. Surely, after this decision, questions will come to your mind about this. It is better to know how to make it before buying leather goods

In the following article, we want to provide information about Leather shoes exporters and top 10 leather exporting countries and top footwear exporting countries 

Leather shoes exporters in Asia

Which country is best for shoes?

Which country is best for shoes?

What is leather? Tannery refers to a process in which corruptable skin soaks animals in different chemicals and plants in order to survive. As a result, the skin becomes a stable, permanent and flexible natural material for various applications

Why are they tanning the skin? Tanning or dressing is a method used to eliminate and change the protein structure of animal skin. Tanning the skin stops the process of degradation and the skin is deformed into leather. After completing the tanning process, leather can be used for various purposes and the manufacture of a variety of leather products. The best leathers are usually obtained from the skin of domestic animals’ bodies.

variety of skin leather making methods: Chrome tannery: In chrome tannery, leather is soaked in a chromium metal solution. This method is still widely used and is used to create a variety of leathers. One of the advantages of leather from this type of tannery is that they are very resistant to moisture and water. Also, tanned leather with chrome solution is very soft and comfortable and can be painted in a variety of colors. These colors do not lose shine and durability over time. In addition, chrome-tanned leather is more heat resistant.

Leather shoes exporters in 2020

Leather shoes exporters in 2020

First-class leather shoes are leather that: have a perfectly healthy look. There is no effect of cuts or diseases or so-called kard malls on its surface. On the external level, it is not the remnants of injury, disease or symptom of corruption. The back of the leather (leather) is lying (i.e. it has enough thickness). If you have waste, the waste is limited to 1 to 2 cases and the distance from these wastes to the edge of the leather is not more than 3 cm. Finally, he has kept his original form perfectly. Grade 2 leather shoes are second-class leather shoes that have cut effects, defects and waste less than one-fifth of the total leather. The waste is dense and the distance from the edge of the leather is not more than 3 cm. Lesions along the spine mean not in the middle of the leather. Many manufacturers in Iran are producing this product and other similar products, leather products produced in our country in terms of the quality of one head and neck of similar foreign products are high.

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